Tögal and Rainbows: A Journey Through Inner Light

Explore the profound practice of Tögal, a direct path to spiritual realization through inner light phenomena. Learn about consciousness layers, visual phenomena, and the transformative journey of this advanced Buddhist practice. Tögal, Dzogchen, Buddhist meditation, inner light, thigles, spiritual practice, consciousness, dharma, rainbow body, Buddhist practice, meditation techniques, spiritual realization


The path to spiritual realization often leads us through territories both mysterious and profound. Among these, the practice of Tögal stands as one of the most direct routes to full realization, though its nature is more process than technique. This exploration begins where many practitioners find themselves: at the threshold between mastering outer reality and turning inward to the subtle realms of consciousness.

The Foundation of Practice

Understanding Consciousness Layers
Awareness, in its most fundamental form, originates from the heart – subtle and all-pervading. While this awareness exists within us constantly, its vastness makes it blend seamlessly with empty space, typically beyond our immediate perception. Several layers of progressively “coarser” consciousness overlay this fundamental awareness, creating the everyday mind we experience.

The Nature of Perception
Consider how we perceive distant objects – our awareness seems to emanate from their location rather than our sensory organs. This phenomenon hints at the most subtle awareness, known as the Dharmakaya. Until we directly perceive Buddha-nature, this awareness remains imperceptibly mixed with empty space, known in Buddhist terminology as ‘Alaya’ or the eighth consciousness.

The Practice of Tögal

Setting and Requirements
Tögal practice occurs in either complete darkness or under the open sky. This association with darkness parallels the practices of ancient Mystery Religions, where initiates underwent similar processes of sensory isolation. The practice focuses on the subtle channels connecting the heart and eyes, developing through four distinct stages.

Important Safety Considerations
A crucial warning: Tögal is not a practice to be approached casually. Once begun, it must be completed under proper guidance. The development of subtle channel perception creates an internal cascade of light phenomena that can overwhelm normal perception. Without proper guidance, practitioners risk serious psychological and physiological consequences.

The Experience of Inner Light

Thigles and Visual Phenomena
Thigles – circles of rainbow-colored light – emerge as fundamental elements of mental visual reality. Initially appearing and dissolving without control, these phenomena rapidly evolve into complex geometric patterns and complete inner realities. This process appears to serve as a calibration between inner awareness and our subtle and physical bodies.

The Transformative Process
The experience transforms one’s understanding of being a ‘Master of the Temple’ from concept to lived reality. The practitioner recognizes their physical and subtle structures as finely-tuned instruments, transcending individual identity to become resonant, self-constructing modes of being.

Integration and Completion

The fourth and final stage of Tögal marks a return to apparent normal perception. The mind completes this recalibration independently, resulting in a subjective experience of having turned oneself inside out and back again. This process, while intense, naturally concludes itself, leading to a new integration of perception and understanding.

Purpose and Realization

The ultimate purpose of Tögal is to directly experience how mind creates reality through the subtle body’s system of winds, channels, and drops. This direct perception can lead to absolute faith in the dharma, potentially culminating in arahantship through the realization of the tenth fetter.


For those drawn to this practice, trust in its natural unfolding is essential. While intensely challenging – with even single thoughts triggering cascades of inner light – the process completes itself when approached with proper guidance and patience. This profound journey offers a direct path to understanding the mind’s role in creating our experienced reality.

Further Reading

A note to practitioners: This description serves as an introduction to Tögal practice. Always seek qualified guidance before attempting any advanced meditation techniques.

The article “Tögal and Rainbows: A Journey Through Inner Light” is based on a chapter from Dr. Simon Robinson’s fascinating third volume, “Citrinitas,” part of his comprehensive series “A Course in Modern Alchemy.” This thought-provoking chapter explores the profound practice of Tögal and its relationship to spiritual awakening through inner light phenomena.

Citrinitas, meaning “yellowness” in Latin, represents the third stage in the alchemical opus where the practitioner encounters profound shifts in consciousness. The book masterfully weaves together Buddhist meditation practices, Western esoteric traditions, and practical guidance for those seeking deeper spiritual understanding. From exploring the subtle body’s system of winds and channels to examining the nature of consciousness itself, Dr. Robinson provides a detailed roadmap for practitioners ready to venture beyond conventional spiritual territories.

Throughout its chapters, Citrinitas delves into advanced concepts like jhana meditation, the path of insight (vipassana), and the intricate relationship between tranquility and wisdom. The work stands as both a practical manual and a philosophical treatise, offering readers a unique perspective on how ancient wisdom traditions can be applied to modern spiritual development.

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