Different Worlds and Jhana

Explore the nature of consciousness and jhanic states in Buddhist meditation. Learn about different realms of consciousness, transcendental awareness, and spiritual development through jhana practice. jhana, meditation, consciousness, Buddhist meditation, citta, transcendental awareness, spiritual development, mindfulness, dhyana, samadhi, Buddhist practice

The Nature of Consciousness

Consciousness (citta) has a remarkable capacity to take itself as an object, creating a temporary self-sustaining state. This fundamental principle underlies the possibility of heavenly realms. Our ordinary consciousness requires a heart base and circulating blood with iron to generate electromagnetic currents that support the mind. When blood flow stops, this everyday awareness ceases.

Beyond Ordinary Awareness

Many people experience awareness beyond normal sensory consciousness through jhanic states. These experiences often occur naturally in childhood, and habitual thinkers frequently operate in the jhanic plane. Unlike ordinary awareness with its five senses, jhanic awareness operates primarily through three consciousnesses: visual, sound, and mind.

The Mechanism of Heavenly Existence

Normal awareness depends on the life continuum – a stream of identical resultant citta. Heavenly beings possess a different type of life continuum composed of self-sustaining ‘jhanic’ consciousness seeds. These form when awareness curves so deeply into itself that it collapses into a stable, self-sustaining pattern. This mechanism likely explains the existence of angels, who cannot tolerate ill-will as it destabilizes their fundamental nature.

Understanding Jhanic Consciousness

Jhanic consciousness manifests naturally in various activities:

  • Meditation practice
  • Profound abstract thinking
  • Artistic creation
  • Athletic performance
  • Musical expression

While these activities provide glimpses, dedicated meditators and occultists can access a broader range of jhanic states through specific meditative objects.

The Process of Jhanic Development

When consciousness merges with its meditative object, jhana arises. This merger triggers:

  • Physical relaxation equivalent to deep sleep
  • Cessation of sympathetic nervous system activity
  • Initial awareness of blood flow changes (often misidentified as kundalini)
  • Experience of rapture and fascination
  • Progressive levels of heavenly love and bliss

The Realms of Jhana

Jhanic experiences divide into two categories:

Fine Material (Form) Realms

  • Five distinct levels
  • Mental worlds similar to ordinary reality
  • Perfect in their manifestation

Formless Realms

  • Four progressive levels
  • Abstract states beyond ordinary conception
  • Culminating in neither perception nor non-perception

Mastery and Rebirth

Practitioners who achieve jhanic mastery can experience rebirth in corresponding realms. The formless realms represent increasingly subtle states where:

  • Only mind exists
  • Concepts of materiality dissolve
  • Space and being become meaningless
  • Consciousness can enter temporal stasis

Practical Considerations

While jhana can bestow certain psychic abilities, pursuing these powers often leads to problematic karma. Jhana remains within the realm of normal awareness, though modified. It can provide shelter for the troubled mind but should not substitute for moral development.

Transcendental Awareness

Beyond jhanic states lies transcendental awareness, which:

  • Takes nirvana as its object
  • Reveals deep connectivity of awareness
  • Eliminates attachment to permanent self
  • Eradicates negative mental states
  • Manifests physically through slowed heart rate and skin color changes


While jhanic experience can support spiritual development, advanced mastery isn’t essential for the path. Practitioners should not become discouraged if they find tranquility meditation challenging.

Further Reading

“A Course in Modern Alchemy: Nigredo” is a groundbreaking exploration of spiritual enlightenment through the lens of alchemical transformation. Written by Dr. Simon Robinson, this first volume delves into the darkest stage of the alchemical opus – the nigredo phase – where the aspiring alchemist confronts their own shadow and begins the process of inner transmutation.

The book masterfully weaves together Buddhist wisdom, Western mysticism, and psychological insight to create a practical framework for spiritual development. At its core, it teaches that enlightenment is a form of “reality hacking” – a systematic process of understanding and transcending the conditioned patterns that create suffering. Through concepts like the Fisher King Wound, the Rebis, and the Dark Night of the Soul, readers learn to navigate the challenging terrain of self-transformation.

What makes this work particularly valuable is its accessibility and modern approach. While preserving the profound wisdom of traditional alchemy, Dr. Robinson presents these teachings in a way that resonates with contemporary seekers. The book includes detailed explanations of Buddhist concepts like karma and the abhidhamma, alongside practical guidance for working with one’s own consciousness.

Experience the Transformation

Ready to begin your alchemical journey? Get your copy of “A Course in Modern Alchemy: Nigredo” and hold in your hands a guide that could transform your understanding of reality itself. Having a physical copy allows you to fully engage with the material, make notes, and return to key insights as your practice deepens.

Begin Your Alchemical Journey