three spheres

Being, personality and the self.

It can be helpful for those trying to make sense of the ‘mind’ to recognize that these three concepts, being, self and personality are quite distinct and different things. Once you have some grasp of these concepts this will help…

Gladness and Addiction

One of the biggest questions regarding addiction is 'why are some people susceptible to addiction?' We know that many people can try addictive substances or activities yet only a percentage find these overwhelmingly addictive. Here I hope to present my thoughts on this intriguing subject. Keywords: addiction and happiness, peace of mind addiction, overthinking and addiction, addiction susceptibility, mental well-being addiction, chronic dissatisfaction addiction, why do some people become addicted, relationship between happiness and addiction, how to overcome addiction through mindfulness, addiction peace of mind, gladness and addiction recovery, switching off addiction cycle

The Five Heaps

The human mind, in its normal adult state, exists in what we call a ‘conditioned’ state – shaped by countless experiences that define our sense of self and reality. While spiritual awakening aims to reach the ‘true’ or unconditioned mind,…