a meditating monk surrounded by light

Tögal and Rainbows: A Journey Through Inner Light

Explore the profound practice of Tögal, a direct path to spiritual realization through inner light phenomena. Learn about consciousness layers, visual phenomena, and the transformative journey of this advanced Buddhist practice. Tögal, Dzogchen, Buddhist meditation, inner light, thigles, spiritual practice, consciousness, dharma, rainbow body, Buddhist practice, meditation techniques, spiritual realization

The Philosopher’s Egg

Through the metaphor of the Philosopher's Egg, this article bridges Buddhist enlightenment and alchemical transformation, exploring how advanced practitioners navigate the subtle realms between ordinary consciousness and spiritual liberation. Like an alchemical vessel, consciousness undergoes a metamorphosis where emptiness becomes the womb of spiritual rebirth.
a surreal spiral

The Philosophy of Being

I really like the Platonic explanation of being, which I hope to share with you here. Understanding Ousia Ousia (οὐσία) is an ancient Greek terms that loosely is equivalent to our English word ‘being’. It has subtle but important differences,…